Inventive Linguistics

Sandrine Sorlin

This book focuses on all aspects of “invention” in linguistic matters, be it historical, fictional, or in current English usage. Drawn from an interdisciplinary international conference gathering literary critics, linguists and language historians, the articles selected here reconsider the concept of “inventiveness” in dealing with a wide range of material (poetry, short story, novel, music, TV series and cartoon, etc.)...

Broché, dos carré collé
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This book focuses on all aspects of “invention” in linguistic matters, be it historical, fictional, or in current English usage. Drawn from an interdisciplinary international conference gathering literary critics, linguists and language historians, the articles selected here reconsider the concept of “inventiveness” in dealing with a wide range of material (poetry, short story, novel, music, TV series and cartoon, etc.). From varied perspectives, the authors bring their expertise to question received ideas about language in linguistics and literature. They show us how language is (re)invented to (re)invent reality or fill in a social, political or grammatical gap. Through different but equally instructive routes, they sometimes come to similar conclusions. In a more metalinguistic perspective, some authors attempt to redefine linguistics as a historical discipline throwing light on its methods, lacunae or blind spots, paving the way for a potential reinvention. Hopefully this book has prepared the ground for such an “inventive linguistics” that would propose a new, truly “interdisciplinary” approach to language.

Plus d’information
Année de publication 2011
Auteur Sandrine Sorlin
Format 16 x 24
ISBN 978-2-84269-908-6
ISSN 2114-6489
Nombre de pages 216
Éditeur Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée – PULM
Langue Anglais
Type ouvrage Broché, dos carré collé
Date de mise à disposition 27 janv. 2011
Quantité stock 8 Sens 12
Poids 0.500000
Sandrine Sorlin
Sandrine Sorlin is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Montpellier III. Her research focuses on topics that cross several disciplines (linguistics, literature, history of ideas). She has completed a book on the English linguistic dytopias of the 20th and 21st centuries, La Défamiliarisation linguistique dans le roman anglais contemporain (PULM, 2010).

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