Ethics of Alterity

Confrontation and Responsibility in 19th- to 21st-Century British Literature

Christine Reynier, Jean-Michel Ganteau

Over the last few decades, in the wake of the ‘Ethical Turn’, contemporary literature has been examined through the prism of the ethics of alterity.

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Over the last few decades, in the wake of the ‘Ethical Turn’, contemporary literature has been examined through the prism of the ethics of alterity. Yet, this may not be consis­tently the case with Victorian and Modernist literature, since relatively few of the authors of those periods have elicited such critical and ­theoretical scrutiny. The articles in this volume set off to re-read Victorian and Modernist literature in the light of the ethics of alterity and investigate whether the post-Auschwitz, contemporary period breaks away from or favours lines of continuity with the productions of the earlier era. It also strives to address works which do not belong to the canon, focusing alternately on great authors and less known artists, on what has been termed ‘minor’ texts or genres that are less visible than the novel. Approaching literature by examining the relations between ethics and aesthetics, even while adopting an ethical approach, helps the authors in this volume contribute to revising the contemporary, Modernist and Victorian canon in English Literature.
Plus d’information
Année de publication 2013
Auteur Christine Reynier, Jean-Michel Ganteau
Format 16 x 24
ISBN 978-2-36781-020-1
ISSN 2269-4153
Nombre de pages 262
Éditeur Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée – PULM
Langue Anglais
Type ouvrage Broché, dos carré collé
Date de mise à disposition 30 oct. 2013
Quantité stock 8 Sens 52
Poids 0.560000
Sous-Titre Confrontation and Responsibility in 19th- to 21st-Century British Literature
Christine Reynier, Jean-Michel Ganteau
Christine Reynier and Jean-Michel Ganteau are Professors of English Literature at the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, France. They are co-editors of the Present Perfect series at the Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée.

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