Re-imagining the Guyanas

Lawrence Aje, Thomas Lacroix, Judith Misrahi-Barak
French Guyane, Guyana and Suriname are not often focused on. Sometimes French Guyane is believed to be an island, and one often wonders where Guyana is situated, or Suriname.
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French Guyane, Guyana and Suriname are not often focused on. Sometimes French Guyane is believed to be an island, and one often wonders where Guyana is situated, or Suriname. This collection of essays aims to increase the visibility of the Guyanas and more particularly of the three countries mentioned above. It also means to contribute to scholarship already published and share the knowledge across various disciplinary fields. It will question the traditional divide between disciplines as the best way to approach such complex territories that contain many geographies, histories, languages and cultures. Moving away from simplistic and binary perspectives, the contributors of the volume address these questions that revisit colonial and postcolonial identities, and the porosity between their borders. What can the Guyanas do for us and what can we do for them? Creative and academic writers such as Gaiutra Bahadur, Sonja Boon, Janette Bulkan, Juanita Cox, Tim Cribb, Cyril Dabydeen, Charles Forsdick, Lisa Katharina Grund, Kathleen Gyssels, Natalie Hopkinson, Ateeka Khan, Sinah Kloß, Michael Mitchell, Gabriel Cambraia Neiva, Clem Seecharan, Janice Lowe Shinebourne, explore their Guyanas and others’.

La Guyane française, le Guyana et le Suriname ne sont pas souvent au centre des intérêts de tout un chacun. Parfois la Guyane française est prise pour une île et on se demande souvent où sont situés le Guyana ou le Suriname. Les essais réunis dans ce volume ont pour but d’augmenter la visibilité des Guyanes, et plus particulièrement des trois pays mentionnés. L’intention est aussi d’enrichir la recherche déjà publiée et de partager les connaissances de façon interdisciplinaire. Ce volume s’efforcera de mettre en question la division traditionnelle entre les champs universitaires : une telle division est-elle le meilleur moyen d’approcher des territoires si complexes, aux géographies, histoires, langues et cultures si multiples ? S’éloignant d’une approche binaire qui serait simpliste, les auteurs du volume réexaminent ces questions qui touchent aux identités coloniales et postcoloniales, et à la porosité de leurs frontières. Que nous apportent les Guyanes et que pouvons-nous leur apporter ? Écrivains et universitaires tels que Gaiutra Bahadur, Sonja Boon, Janette Bulkan, Juanita Cox, Tim Cribb, Cyril Dabydeen, Charles Forsdick, Lisa Katharina Grund, Kathleen Gyssels, Natalie Hopkinson, Ateeka Khan, Sinah Kloß, Michael Mitchell, Gabriel Cambraia Neiva, Clem Seecharan, Janice Lowe Shinebourne explorent leurs Guyanes et celles des autres.

More Information
Year of publication 2019
Author Lawrence Aje, Thomas Lacroix, Judith Misrahi-Barak
Format 16 x 24
ISBN 978-2-36781-291-5
ISSN 2118-3023
Number of pages 316
Editor Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée – PULM
Language English
Type of book Paperback, perfect binding
Date of availability Jun 4, 2019
8 sens stock quantity 12
Weight 0.680000
Lawrence Aje, Thomas Lacroix, Judith Misrahi-Barak

Lawrence Aje is an Associate Professor of American History at the University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3. He specializes in African American history. His current research explores the interconnection between law, race and group identity formation, as well as the migration and circulation of free people of color in the United States and in the Atlantic World during the 19th century.

Thomas Lacroix is CNRS senior researcher at the Maison Française d’Oxford. He works on the relationships between immigrant transnationalism and the state. Thomas Lacroix is former Migrinter deputy director. He is currently associate editor of Migration Studies and research associate at CERI and Migrinter. He published Hometown Transnationalism (Palgrave, 2016), Migrants : l’Impasse européenne (Armand Colin, 2016) and International migrations and local governance (Palgrave, 2017).

Judith Misrahi-Barak is Associate Professor in English and Postcolonial Literatures at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, France.

Compte-rendu de lecture


Archeology and Anthropology, vol. 23, 2019, p. 118-119.

French Studies, 10 October 2020.


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